Sydney (Announcement from Halal Expo Australia by Sarwat Hassan): Some of the major sponsors of Halal Expo Australia and exhibitors have shown their unavailability to participate in Melbourne’s event of Halal Expo Australia 2016 which was supposed to be on Sunday 10th of January 2016. The international exhibitors have also asked if both Sydney and Melbourne events can be held side by side.
Therefore, we have decided to move Melbourne’s event of Halal Expo Australia from Sunday 10th of January 2016 to Sunday 3rd of April 2016, the rest of the format will remain the same, similarly there is no change in Sydney’s event.
Now the Melbourne event will be held on Sunday 3rd of April and Sydney event will be held on Sunday 10th of April 2016.
All the sponsors and exhibitors who have already booked please note this notification and let us know if there is any issue.
Sarwat Hassan
Media & Events Manager,
Halal Expo Australia 2016
Melbourne | Sydney