By Nureesun Mahamud

During the stage of motherhood, blessed events such as pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding offer unique opportunities for Muslim women. Ramadan fasting is an obligation in Islam, but expectant mothers are exempt from it. While adhering to religious boundaries, women should prioritize their health and well-being during this time.
According to medical studies, fasting during pregnancy can cause adverse effects like severe morning sickness or premature labor. A decrease in milk quality and quantity may also occur in lactating mothers. It is crucial to seek medical advice and take the necessary precautions in such cases. Nevertheless, if one feels capable of observing the fast, it is encouraged to do so with sincere intentions, trusting in Allah’s guidance.
While fasting may be challenging during pregnancy or breastfeeding, there are alternative ways to earn blessings and connect with the divine. Instilling a love for the Holy Qur’an in a growing fetus or newborn can be accomplished by reading the Holy Qur’an.
Our prayers go out to all mothers facing these tests, so that they may have the strength and support to care for themselves and their children. Sharing experiences and supporting one another is key to navigating this special journey with grace.
[Nureesun Mahamud is a scientist at The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand]