Dr Vincent offers insights on combating the silent health threat
According to Dr Vincent, a well-known and highly respected antioxidant researcher, food scientist, clinical nutritionist, and founder of Renovatio, the number of people asking for help to treat inflammation in the body is on the rise.
According to Dr Vincent, he is receiving a significant increase in the number of people seeking assistance for inflammation.

“Inflammation is something we can’t see, but it can actually cause a great deal of damage to our body,” Dr Vincent said.
“Inflammation appears in the form of swelling and is part of our body’s immune system which is our natural healing system. It helps to fight injury and infection.
“Unfortunately, our immune system can also trigger an inflammatory response in our body when there is nothing to heal. When this happens, our immune system cells that normally work to heal us actually start to damage healthy parts of our body including our cells, arteries, organs and joints.
“What is concerning is that our body is being damaged by inflammation without us even knowing it.
“Our body can become tired trying to fight the damage. We can become dizzy, experience headaches and even experience a fever-like symptom in the form of hot flushes. Inflammation can be very damaging and these signs can be our body trying to tell us that it is struggling internally.
“Unfortunately our lifestyle can trigger inflammation and many of us ignore it because we think it is just a trivial matter. Animal-based diet, fried foods, too much stress, alcohol, and not enough exercise, can all trigger inflammation.
“Chronic inflammation over a long period of time can have severely damaging consequences for our health and wellbeing.
“If it is untreated, it can lead to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other issues.”
Dr Vincent states that the impact of inflammation on the body is extremely concerning.
“Immune system cells that cause inflammation contribute to the build-up of fatty deposits in the lining of the heart’s arteries. When these plaques rupture which causes a clot to form, this can potentially block an artery. The result is a heart attack or stroke,” he said.
“The good news is that inflammation can be managed, even reversed, through diet and lifestyle.”
Dr Vincent has provided tips on how to manage inflammation through diet and lifestyle.
- Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet
“My strong advice is to eat fresh whole foods. Our diet is just as important as the medications and supplements that we may be taking for overall health and wellness,” Dr Vincent said.
“Add plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet as well as lean white meat. Eat cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna. They are rich in omega-3s. Reduce your consumption of refined sugar and avoid unhealthy fats by moderating intake of food groups such as red meat, butter and egg yolks. Eat more apples, celery, blueberries, garlic, and olive oil.”
- Reduce your consumption of inflammatory foods
“Reduce your consumption of inflammatory foods. These include fried food, red meat and anything with trans fats, such as margarine, corn oil, deep fried foods and most processed foods,” Dr Vincent said.
Research has found a link between gut microbiome promoting excessive inflammation with animal food products, processed food, alcohol and sugar; while a plant-based diet has the opposite effect which is reducing inflammation.
- Control blood sugar
“Limit or avoid simple carbohydrates, such as white flour, white rice, refined sugar and anything with high fructose corn syrup,” he said.
“The easiest way to do this is to avoid white foods such as white bread, rice, pasta and foods made with white sugar and flour.”
- Exercise regularly
“Regular exercise is an excellent way to prevent inflammation,” Dr Vincent said.
“Exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight and also assists in moving oxygen around the body. It also helps to manage stress as well. Set a goal of at least 10,000 steps a day. Research shows that the number of steps we take a day is more important than counting calories”
- Lose weight
“Overweight people have more inflammation in the body. Research shows that losing weight may decrease inflammation,” Dr Vincent added.
- Manage stress and improve sleep quality
“Chronic stress contributes to inflammation. Undertake exercises such as meditation and yoga to manage stress,” Dr Vincent said.
“While it may be difficult to remove stressful situations from our life, we can improve the way we manage and respond to stress by improving our mental fitness.”
- Add supplements to your diet
“Our lives are busy and food quality can be an issue for many people. Foods that have been frozen or sit on shelves for long periods of time lose their goodness,” Dr Vincent said.
“Ensure you supplement your overall health and wellness regime with products such as fish oil and activated phenolics. Activated phenolics can be purchased in tablet or powder form and they are potent antioxidants that have been activated to enable absorption by the body. They fight inflammation and mop up free radicals in the body that damage our cells.”
[Renovatio Bioscience was founded by Dr Vincent in 2016 following his breakthrough discovery while undertaking antioxidant research at the University of Newcastle. He developed a laboratory technique to extract the world’s most potent antioxidants ‘activated phenolics’ from Australian apples and other produce using only water. His innovative work solved an issue, which had been perplexing scientists all over the world for nearly 80 years. Dr Vincent patented and translated his innovative work into a range of ‘turbo-charged’ health and wellness products to help people access the world’s most potent antioxidants in an ‘easy to consume’ form. ]