By Dr. Winai Dahlan
The faster the baby is fed, the better. The sooner you stop breastfeeding the greater the risk of disease.

The younger generation gets married less and less and has fewer children. Also, reduce the amount of time spent breastfeeding the baby. Accelerate the time for infants to supplement food more quickly. Baby breastfeeds faster What effect does the behaviour of the younger generation have on the younger generation? There are quite a few research studies on this issue. A research team in medicine and public health from a university in Sweden, therefore, brings research data in this field to the present.
The research, carried out by a team of medical scientists at two Swedish universities, Uppsala University and Sophiahemmet University, is published in the journal. The January 2023 edition of the International Breastfeeding Journal was attended by 1,251 mothers from all over Sweden. Of the infants selected for this study, 52% of the infants were breastfed until six months of age. By slowly supplementing infant food, 48% of babies receive complementary foods at four months of age, which is true in Sweden, with almost 90% of modern mothers. As a result, more baby food is available on the market. More variety of products It claims to have better nutritional value.
This Swedish research is the result of the main health agencies offering different recommendations for raising babies. The Swedish National Food Agency recommends that mothers supplement their infant diets from the age of four months. Gradually feed solid or liquid foods to train the baby to recognize the taste of food. So the baby gets used to complementary foods and stops drinking mother’s milk. But the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that mothers breastfeed their babies for six months before training their infants to taste complementary foods. Even after supplementation with infant food is begun, the infant should be breastfed until the age of two, and then stop. The instructions are so different.
The study concluded that the sooner infants were trained to supplement their diets, the more likely they were to feed. Babies fast on their mother’s milk and turn to supplementary food without returning to breast milk again. Sensing the taste too early has resulted in most infants in Sweden giving up too soon. For example, exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Babies get used to drinking breast milk along with supplementation. The research team also noted the benefits of prolonged breastfeeding as babies grow. The risk of cardiovascular disease and many other diseases is reduced. Both reduce the risk of malnutrition in the event of a disaster or war in the country. In such a situation, the baby will not refuse to drink the mother’s milk. Mother’s milk may be the only food source for infants. Need to pay a lot of attention.
(The article was originally written in Thai language by Dr. Winai Dahlan, who is a scientist and Associate Professor at the Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Syed Atiq ul Hassan has translated the article in English)