Clean-up Grants for severely-affected Primary Producers in NSW

Adelaide (Press Release); Clean-up and recovery grants of up to $15,000 are now available for primary producers in areas severely affected by bushfires in New South Wales. This assistance, available under Category... Read more »

Mushawarat condemns Shinde’s terrorism statement backtrack

New Delhi, 21 February 2013: Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, President of All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM), the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organizations, severely condemned the statement issued by the Union Home... Read more »

اليکشن کيوں اور کيسے ملتوي ہو سکتے ہيں

محمد عبد الحميد اللہ کي شان ہے کہ نواز شريف، جنھوں نے زندگي ميں کبھي اليکشن نہ کرائے اور 2008 ميں دو دفعہ اس کا بائيکاٹ کيا، اب اس کے التوا کے... Read more »

دوہری شہریت

ندیم ندوی اللہ معاف کرے ہمیں بھی دوہری شہریت کا مرض لاگو ہوچکا ہے۔ بے خبری میں ہم بھی جس تھالی میں کھا تے تھے اسی کا چھید بند کرنے کے جتن... Read more »

Pakistan’s True Face

By Saeed Qureshi; Pakistan was created for the Muslims of the sub continent to live in peace and to be immune from the domination of the Hindu majority. I would not prefer... Read more »

Commonwealth puts $1.8 billion health funding to nsw at risk

Sydney (Press Release); Health Minister Jillian Skinner has urged the Commonwealth to guarantee more than $1.8 billion in health funding to NSW which is in jeopardy over the next four years. The... Read more »

The Muslim Who Was China’s Greatest Explorer – Zheng He

When people think of great explorers, they think of the usual names: Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Evliya Çelebi, Christopher Columbus, etc. But not many know of one of the most interesting and... Read more »

Muslims in Assam

By By M. H. Rahman Some forces, without any regard to communal harmony and social peace, tried to justify the recent violence committed by Bodos against the poor Bengali-speaking Muslims living in... Read more »

Turkish FM Davutoglu says Jihad not related to terrorism

There is no connection between jihad and terrorism, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said yesterday, adding that suggestions to the contrary come from American neo-cons and Israelis. “Jihad is the name of... Read more »

The demand for banning Bangladesh Jammat-e-Islami: Is it a logical demand?

By Barrister Nazir Ahmed Recently some extreme left oriented political parties are demanding to ban Bangladesh Jammat-e Islami (BJI). Jatiya Somajtantrik Dal (JSD), Bangladesh Workers Party (BWP) and Bangladesh Communist Party (BCP)... Read more »

Resist pressure to push for death sentences at war crimes tribunal

Annual Report 2012; The state of the world’s human rights; The Bangladesh government must not let a proposed new legal amendment lead to a push for death sentences for those convicted in its... Read more »

Official Launch of International Forum of Dual National Pakistanis (IFDNP)

Dual National Pakistanis are NOT 2nd GRADE Citizens of Pakistan Dual National Pakistanis should be given same rights including the right to participate in the electoral process of Pakistan and opportunity serve... Read more »

Pakistani Hazara Community Protests in Sydney

Sydney (Tribune Report, Feb 20, 2013): Pakistani Hazara Community gathered today at the business centre of Sydney, in front of Pakistani Consulate Office, and recorded their protest against the on-going killing of the Hazara... Read more »

Protest in the city for the killing of Hazaras /Shias in Pakistan

Sydney (Press Release): A Protest meeting has been organised to show solidarity with the Hazara and Shia Community in Pakistan especially to the martyrs and their families who were killed in the... Read more »

ڈھول کا پول کھل گيا

محمد عبد الحميد ڈھول کي آواز بہت اونچي ہوتي ہے ليکن اندر سے خالي ہوتا ہے? يہي صورت سپريم کورٹ کے بلند باگ دعووں کي ہے? اگر کچھ لوگوں کو ابھي تک... Read more »

Voice of Tribune – Radio Show – Saaz Aur Awaz of 17th Feb, 2013

Click to listen the show; Voice of Tribune – Radio Show – Saaz Aur Awaz of 17th Feb, 2013 Read more »

So, what is the problem with my dual nationality?

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan It is highly disappointing that the top officials sitting in the highest and most reputed offices of Pakistan are calling overseas Pakistanis who hold dual nationality as... Read more »

Online alcohol education for senior students

Minister for Hospitality, George Souris, today launched an education resource for senior NSW high school students to promote awareness of the potential risks and dangers associated with alcohol consumption.  He was joined... Read more »

Australia needs vision, not free market-brainwashed wimps

Citizens Electoral Council of Australia Tony Abbott’s Liberals triggered a minor controversy during Parliament’s first week back, when a party discussion paper on developing Northern Australia was leaked to the media. The... Read more »

Mossad’s Pakistani agent arrested in Lahore

The arrest of Mossad’s Pakistani spy, whose name has not been released, is a blow to Israeli attempts to destabilise Pakistan. Coming hot on the heals of a Mossad spy being arrested in... Read more »

Voice of Tribune – Radio Show – Saaz Aur Awaz of 10th Feb, 2013

Voice of Tribune – Radio Show – Saaz Aur Awaz of 10th Feb, 2013  ساز اور آواز Read more »

State-wide Cultural Diversity Celebration in Victoria

Cultural Diversity Week is running from 16­ – 24 March, giving Victorians a a state-wide celebration of our cultural, linguistic and religious diversity.  During the Week, hundreds of events and activities will... Read more »

Overseas qualified skilled people are underutilised; Maria Vamvakinou, MP

My grievance this evening is about the under-utilisation of skilled and highly qualified Australians who have come here to live in this country under the refugee and humanitarian program, and, in some... Read more »

کیا دوھری شہریت رکھنے والے محب وطن پاکستانی نہیں؟

بڑے دکھ کی بات ہے کہ اب تو پاکستان کی عدالت عظمی میں بیٹھے انصاف دینے والے بھی پاکستانیوں کی دوھری شہریت پر باتیں کر رہے ہیں۔ یوں لگتا ہے کہہ پاکستان... Read more »