Latest COVID-19 Update: Changes in restrictions from Monday 7 December

Sydney (Tribune International, NSW Govt Release, 2 Dec 2020): The NSW Government has today announced changes in restrictions across the State from next week. As of Monday 7 December, the NSW Government will ease

Credit: outdoors NSW

the following restrictions allowing:

Venues including hospitality venues, retail and places of worship:

  • 1 person per 2sqm (with 25 people permitted before the rule applies), except for:
    • Gyms and nightclubs (1 person per 4sqm, with a maximum of 50 people allowed in gym classes or on the dancefloor at nightclubs).

Stadiums and theatres:

  • Outdoors: 100 per cent seated capacity, and 1 person per 2sqm rule for unstructured seating areas.
  • Indoors: 75 per cent seated capacity.

Gatherings in outdoor public spaces:

  • Up to 100 people for outdoor gatherings (up from 50).
  • Up to 5,000 people for outdoor events that are fenced, ticketed and seated (subject to the 2sqm rule).
  • Up to 3,000 people for other organised outdoor events i.e. community sport and outdoor protests (subject to the 2sqm rule).

Dance Floors:

  • Up to 50 people indoors.


  • Up to 50 performers indoors, no maximum cap outdoors.
  • Advice is for congregation/audience to continue wearing masks if singing.

Under the changes, maximum capacity caps will be removed subject to the 2sqm rule for:

  • Bookings at hospitality venues;
  • Weddings;
  • Funerals;
  • Regional agricultural shows;
  • Corporate events; and
  • Religious services.

Electronic customer check-in
Providing your name and contact number when you visit businesses ensures NSW Health can contact you quickly and easily, if necessary. If you get COVID-19, fewer people will have to self-isolate as a result of having attended the same venue as you. It is now mandatory for certain types of businesses to use electronic check-in methods to collect patron details.

Getting tested

NSW Health continues to appeal to all members of the community to come forward for testing right away if they have even the mildest of symptoms like a runny nose or scratchy throat, cough or fever.

For more information

If you think you have COVID-19 or you have a question related to your health, you can speak to a registered nurse by calling 1800 020 080 or go to

Call 13 77 88, available 24/7 for all questions that are not related to your health. To speak to an interpreter in your language call 13 14 50.

Updated information about COVID-19 materials and translated resources are available at

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