Sydney (Tribune International, NSW Govt Release, 1 May 2020): Almost 850 of the state’s most vulnerable young people will receive a $1,000 grant to support their studies and improve their educational outcomes.

Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward said the annual scholarships program would improve access to education for the young people in years 10, 11 and 12 at a NSW high school or TAFE equivalent.

“Education is the great enabler and this year a record 841 students will receive an investment in their future that will help them achieve their education goals and break the cycle of disadvantage,” Mr Ward said.

“These $1000 scholarships will help equip vulnerable young people with the tools they need to succeed including IT equipment, internet access, textbooks and course costs.”

Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell said the scholarships would support vulnerable students through the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Many families are feeling financial pressure right now and it is important that our most vulnerable students remain connected to education and are given the best possible chance to succeed,” Ms Mitchell said.

“We need to support young people nearing the end of high school to develop work readiness and these scholarships will provide a hand up for vulnerable young people during this incredibly challenging time.”

The program prioritises young people at risk of homelessness, who have experienced domestic and family violence, or who have been in contact with the youth justice system.

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