Over 146,000 people across NSW are now benefiting NDIS

Sydney (Tribune International, NDIS Release, 7 July, 2021): More than 146,000 people across NSW are now benefiting from services and supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) three years on from the full implementation of the world-leading reform.

Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Alister Henskens said NSW was the first state to sign up to the NDIS, leading the nation in early trial sites and then the full rollout. The NSW Government will contribute $3.6 billion to the NDIS this year.

“Since trials of the NDIS started in the Hunter in 2013, approximately $30 billion in reasonable and necessary supports has been committed for people with disability in NSW,” Mr Henskens said.

“The NDIS gives hope and greater independence through choice over the supports people with disability receive so they can live happy and healthy lives, with opportunities for social and economic participation.

“The voices of people with a disability, their families and carers are very important to be heard with respect to the NDIS.  NSW will continue to advocate on their behalf to our Commonwealth, State and Territory counterparts as we work to improve the sustainability of this important social reform.”

Of the 146,000 participants accessing the NDIS, 80,000 people are receiving supports for the first time in their lives.

More than 68,000 participants in NSW are children and young people and of them, 22,000 are zero to six-year-olds who were not born when the NDIS trials commenced.

“In additional to delivering tremendous social outcomes for people with disability, the NDIS is also strengthening our economy, driving jobs and growth for organisations across our state,” Mr Henskens said.

“There are currently more than 4,000 service providers operating in the disability sector, many of them achieving exponential growth as a result of the NDIS.”

For more information about the NDIS, visit www.ndis.gov.au.


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