Sydney (Tribune International, Labor Release, 13 July 2021); Western Sydney Labor MPs Guy Zangari, Hugh McDermott and Nick Lalich are calling for more clarity and certainty for workers following new measures announced today requiring workers to carry out a COVID-19 test every three days if they leave the Fairfield LGA.

“We whole heartedly support the NSW Government’s attempts to bring this latest COVID outbreak under control,” Mr Zangari said.

“We need to make sure measures such as testing every three days means workers don’t lose their jobs, or are not left in financial hardship for complying with these new testing orders, and that it will be done with properly resourced testing centres located throughout South West Sydney,” Mr Zangari said.

“Our community needs more clarity and certainty then what has been provided so far.

“We know that the Fairfield LGA is not a majority work from home area. In fact over 52 per cent of workers including thousands of labourers, tradies, community workers and machinery operators and drivers have to leave their home every day to bring in an income and support their families.

“We have asked the Government to provide information as to how this new mandated testing will work; how will it be enforced; how do we ensure workers are not left worse off; will workers have to wait extended periods at testing locations before they can undertake their work?”.

NSW Labor is also asking the Premier to ensure enough resources including more doctors and nurses are in place to carry out thousands of tests.

“This is a deepening health crisis and it requires us all to pull together and abide by the NSW health advice,” said Hugh McDermott, the Member for Prospect.

“It is incumbent on the Government to ensure there is enough resources so that workers aren’t waiting for hours every three days to receive a test and that there is a quick turnaround on results so people don’t have to take any more days off work”.

“And if people lose income or hours because of this requirement, the NSW Government must step in to bridge that gap,” said Nick Lalich, Member for Cabramatta.

“We look forward to more information and details over the coming days. As restrictions get tighter it is more important than ever we work together and continue to support our communities hit hardest.”

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