A Muslim Woman in Multicultural Australia

By: Sarwat Hassan My identity empowers me to serve my country Different – that is the common word heard when one speaks about a Muslim woman living in Australia. Conservative– another term... Read more »

A Nation is known by its actions

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan Election phobia ended, millions of dollars of state treasury were spent on holding elections in the country by the election commission and more than that were spent... Read more »

Muslim representation in Lok Sabha

By Tanvir Salim, Your voice is your strength in a democratic setup. The more you are, merrier you are. Muslims are in a good number in India, but their voices are not... Read more »

Elections 2013: Pakistan Embraces Modernity, Rejects Liberalism

By Usman Khalid May 11 Elections in Pakistan has produced no surprises but they are a watershed in its history. All the four parties in the ruling coalition over the past five... Read more »

From Reading of Articles to Exploration of Universe

By Saeed Qureshi Writing of opinion columns or articles and posting these on Internet is becoming a futile or purposeless undertaking as very few people read these thoroughly. More or less, the... Read more »

A scathing look at journalism in Pakistan

By Shaheen Sehbai This article has been submitted for publication to all major newspapers in Pakistan. Every one in the present morally, intellectually and financially depleted Pakistan — the print media and its... Read more »

Treasurer’s Economic Note by Wayne Swane

At the core of this Government is a belief that a smarter and fairer Australia will create a stronger Australia. It is the Over the past 30 years, Australia has steadily risen... Read more »

Who will win the Elections in Pakistan?

By Usman Khalid The forthcoming elections are very important because these are the first taking place in an environment of constitutional checks and balance working satisfactorily. That does not mean that parliamentary... Read more »

Why the Government doesn’t establish its Writ in Karachi?

By Saeed Qureshi How many more dead bodies, the human draculas want to devour in Karachi? Why the government does not restore its write in troubled Karachi? The governments of both Sindh... Read more »

Constitutionality, legality, viability and practicality of banning Jammat

By Barrister Nazir Ahmed Introduction Some extreme left oriented political parties and their affiliated professional and cultural organisations have long been demanding for banning the Bangladesh Jammat-e Islami (BJI).  This is not... Read more »

Meeting between Nawaz Sharif & Pervez Musharaf

(By Dr. Ghayur Ayub, London UK) These days news about a meeting between Mr Nawaz Sharif and Gen (rtd) Pervez Musharaf in Saudi Arabia has hit electronic and social media. It is... Read more »

Musharraf is a far better choice than Nawaz & Zardari for Pakistan

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan Some readers might be upset and thinking what am I talking about preferring an army dictator over the civilian leaders. Well I am sick of hearing these... Read more »

Pakistan’s True Face

By Saeed Qureshi; Pakistan was created for the Muslims of the sub continent to live in peace and to be immune from the domination of the Hindu majority. I would not prefer... Read more »

So, what is the problem with my dual nationality?

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan It is highly disappointing that the top officials sitting in the highest and most reputed offices of Pakistan are calling overseas Pakistanis who hold dual nationality as... Read more »

Mossad’s Pakistani agent arrested in Lahore

The arrest of Mossad’s Pakistani spy, whose name has not been released, is a blow to Israeli attempts to destabilise Pakistan. Coming hot on the heals of a Mossad spy being arrested in... Read more »

The Ingredients for a Glorious Pakistan

By Saeed Qureshi Throughout its existence since August 14, 1947; Pakistan has perennially remained in troubled waters. From the anarchy of the initial years to the interspersing of democratic stints, to military... Read more »

Was Pakistan destined to be a Theocratic State?

By Saeed Qureshi Was a country that came into being in the name of religion destined to be a theocracy in the longer run? And that is what exactly happened with Pakistan. Pakistan is... Read more »

Marital Rape: An Unacknowledged Crime!

By Yasmeen Ali They are married. When She says NO. And He forces. It is Marital Rape. Every woman has a right to take a decision about her body, to decide if... Read more »

Australia for foreign students

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan In the last 40 years, Australia has not only attracted foreign professionals to permanently make Australia their home but also international students who aim for higher education... Read more »

The Lies Of Democracy and the Language Of Deceit

By Colin Todhunter In an increasingly media-driven age, language is everything and is often used by officialdom to tyrannise meaning. With the deaths of millions on its hands since 1945, the US... Read more »

Dr. Qadri made history in Pakistani Politics

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan In my living memories I have not seen a political/religious leader single-handed gathered   thousands, if not millions, of people from various parts of Pakistan with children, women... Read more »

All is well that ends well (Dr. Qadri’s Protest)

By Saeed Qureshi; By opting to compromise on certain fundamental contentious issues, the political belligerents have averted a huge human catastrophe. I am referring to the Islamabad accord between Dr. Tahirul Qadri... Read more »

Tahirul Qadri’s entry in political arena

By: Asif Haroon Raja; Sudden arrival of Chairman Minhajul Quran, Dr Tahirul Qadri in Pakistan and holding a mammoth public meeting at Minar-e-Pakistan on 23 December has puzzled the thinking minds and... Read more »

2012: Another hard year for American Muslims

By Abdus Sattar Ghazalli;  A woman tells police she shoved a man to his death off a New York subway platform into the path of a train because she hates Muslims and... Read more »